Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Arty Books For Sale!

Hello all! Just wanted to let you know that I'm making room on my shelves and sadly have to sell on some of my books. I thought some of these may of interest to my readers so wanted to share here too. Just click on the pictures to view the books on Ebay.

These original Amelia Magazines are in beautiful condition, thick and full to the brim of fantastic content. I'm sure you'll all love them!

The two above books (Masters of Fashion Illustration and Kandinsky) are duplicated amongst my collection so are as good as new. I couldn't recommend them enough!

The final two books are more specialist (I used them for University briefs) but I'm sure there are some among you who may find them interesting!

I am working on some new personal portrait illustrations at the moment and will be back to share them with you very soon!